Sports Medicine Specialist Phoenix AZ

Chiropractic Treatment

For many sports-related injuries, chiropractic care is proven to be very beneficial because it can help restore joint function, reduce inflammation and pain, and help reestablish mobility in your joints. Sports injuries allocate for a very high percentage of ER room trips and often involve more than one surgery or repeated treatment for resolution of the injury. Alongside of physical therapy and strengthening exercises, chiropractic care by a sports medicine specialist offers many different treatment options to help heal or expedite the recovery process.

A sports medicine specialist in Phoenix AZ from Monte Hessler, DC offers chiropractic treatments that have been proven to help the body become less prone to injury and function better overall. When joints and bones are misaligned in a sports related incident, it creates additional stress on the body. This can affect tendons, muscles, ligaments and can create discomfort or pain in the victim. It can also lead to a decrease in performance or even long term or permanent problems if not treated properly. Sports injury can quickly sideline an athlete or cause them to sit out the whole season.

Whether it is from a collision, overuse, or misstep, a sports medicine specialist provides chiropractic care that is a very beneficial treatment for injured athletes all over the world. Many athletes reap quick and positive benefits of chiropractic care. Barry Bonds and even Lance Armstrong swear that their Arizona chiropractors saved them.

When a spine is misaligned, the vertebral subluxations may become irritated and create focal points of discomfort throughout the nervous system. This can interfere with other systems in the body and may cause athletic performance to suffer. Athletes may encounter many benefits from seeking chiropractic care because not only can adjustments help treat sports injuries, they can prevent further strain on the body as well.

Strain of the hamstring is also a common injury treated by a sports medicine specialist. Because it is a sports injury, chiropractic treatment may include stretches to fix any tightness your joints. Recurring hamstring injuries could mean muscular imbalances and a sports medicine specialist in Phoenix AZ can check for this.

Unbeknownst to most, rotator cuff injuries occur most often in individuals that play sports. It is found mostly in individuals who play baseball and football. Helping stretch out the muscle is a treatment by chiropractors to help fix this. Shoulder pain, headaches, ankle sprain, groin pulls, shin splints, knee injuries (mostly the tearing of the ACL), and tennis elbow are also among the most common sports injuries treated by a sports medicine specialist.

Contact a Sports Medicine Specialist Today

Teenage athletes, adults who are on league teams, and famous athletes all are at risk of obtaining a sports injury. Reach out to a sports medicine specialist Phoenix AZ patients recommend today from Monte Hessler, DC for beneficial treatment that can get you back on the sports field sooner, regardless of what sport you play.